Domaine Jean-Louis Chave
Few vignerons can boast the lineage and history of the Chave family, who have been growing grapes in the Northern Rhone since 1481. The family name has become synonymous with the most famous appellation in the region – Hermitage. Jean-Louis is the 16th generation to be running Domaine Jean-Louis Chave.
The wines of Domaine Jean-Louis Chave are some of the most sought after in the region and the Hermitage is one of the world’s finest wines.
Chave works fastidiously in the vineyards, painstakingly reconstructing terraces on the incredibly steep slopes of the Northern Rhone. The difficult terrain requires farming without machinery and all the work is organic. The Selection wines use a combination of estate grown fruit and grapes purchased from other growers, most of whom have agreements that put Chave in control of the farming.